It doesn't matter what kind of church background you have had, whether it was a little bit of everything or a whole lot of nothing! It's not about religion. It's about a relationship!
Try our church, Word of Life,… where nobody's perfect. Where beginners are welcome. Where socks are optional, but grace is required. Where forgiveness is offered. Where hope is alive. And where it is ok to NOT be ok…... REALLY.
Sunday Services
10:00 am
Ages 0-3years
Children's Church:
Ages 4 years - 4th Grade
Tweens: 5th Grade & up
Try our church, Word of Life,… where nobody's perfect. Where beginners are welcome. Where socks are optional, but grace is required. Where forgiveness is offered. Where hope is alive. And where it is ok to NOT be ok…... REALLY.
Sunday Services
10:00 am
Ages 0-3years
Children's Church:
Ages 4 years - 4th Grade
Tweens: 5th Grade & up